Cyber: Publishing an Action Plan for Wales

Darllenwch y dudalen hon yn Gymraeg

This week we’re pleased to share that we have published the Cyber Action Plan for Wales.

Over the last few months, we’ve kept you up to date with the development of the Cyber Action Plan through a series of blogs. In this series we have explained what cyber is, how the cyber ecosystem works, why we need a Cyber Action Plan and outlined what we think the priority areas are for cyber in Wales. 

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Cyber: Planning today for a prosperous future

Darllenwch y dudalen hon yn Gymraeg

In our increasingly digital world, cyber is a word we’re hearing about more and more cyber skills, cyber safety, online crime and cyber-attacks.

In this blog, we want to tell you about the development of a Cyber Action Plan for Wales, a commitment in our Digital Strategy for Wales.

This will be the first in a series of blogs about the action plan and we want to start by explaining a bit about what we mean by cyber, why we need an action plan and who the plan is for.

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Guest blog: What’s in a name?

Darllenwch y dudalen hon yn Gymraeg

The Digital Strategy for Wales sets out how public sector procurement has a real opportunity to support and grow Welsh businesses and digital skills.

This is the third blog in our series about procurement. Victoria, a member of our delivery team, provides an update on how the ‘Procurement Centre of Excellence’ is developing and shares some findings about what it could be called going forward.

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Data Sharing and the Cost-of-living crisis: where do we start?

Darllenwch y dudalen hon yn Gymraeg

Data sharing is key to unlocking improved public services for the people of Wales, but the concept of data sharing, for many, can be daunting. With the cost of living rising, it is important that we work together and share information where we can to help support the citizens of Wales. This week we hosted a forum to dispel some of the myths and concerns around data sharing in the hope of raising confidence levels and breaking down barriers to make the process clearer and easier.

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Would you like to use your digital and technology skills to help the people of Wales?

Darllenwch y dudalen hon yn Gymraeg

If so, now is an exciting time to be joining the Digital, Data and Technology (DDAT) profession in Welsh Government. We’re looking for people with a variety of different skills to help support the digital transformation of services to citizens, transform our internal ways of working, and manage and develop our technical infrastructure and services in Welsh Government.

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Guest blog: what’s going on beneath our feet?

Greg Garner, Asset Owner Engagement Manager for Wales, Atkins

Darllenwch y dudalen hon yn Gymraeg

The National Underground Asset Register (NUAR) is a great example of how digital services, data and technology can be used to improve the lives of people within Wales, and fully aligns with the Digital Strategy for Wales. Find out more about the potential benefits and the progress made so far.

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Digital, Data and Technology Apprenticeship – It’s never too late!

Darllenwch y dudalen hon yn Gymraeg

Picture of Jane, a Digital Data and Technology apprentice

It may seem like an odd choice as midlife crises go. An apprenticeship? In Digital, Data and Technology (DDaT)? When I took the plunge in 2020, I had no real idea what was in store. However, it turned out, to be one of the best decisions I have ever made.

So, why an apprenticeship?

I had been working for many years as a special needs teaching assistant but with my own children grown, I was looking for a new challenge to take me into the next phase of my life. I wanted to find a career that I could embrace, that would teach me new skills and would reward the hard work and effort I put in. Although I had no previous experience in the DDaT field I was attracted by the broad range of careers available and the opportunity to gain qualifications while working as well as the flexible working hours offered.

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